Just a couple of readers’ reviews in praise of
Braz Menezes’ Matata series.
I purchased all three of Braz Menezes' books in Toronto. Although on
vacation in Toronto with family I started reading the books starting with
Volume 1 "Beyond the Cape". Once I started on the books I could not put them down finding time
in between catching up with family. Needless to say I was probably not a very
good house guest... I felt I was part
of the book as I could relate to the travel by ship to Goa from Kenya. The
books helped me understand the formation of the different Goan clubs in Nairobi
and Mombasa. My sense of pride of being Goan and raised in a modest family was
uplifted with these books. The books bring out the sense of community between
Muslim, Christian and Hindu.
Braz Menezes’s earlier ‘Matata’ series have held prime
location in our bookshelves. I have awaited, with anticipation,
the latest release of ‘Lando’s experiences’ and, on receipt of ‘Among the
Jacaranda’, any previous plans I had were immediately
jettisoned as I could not put the book down – it
makes compelling and interesting reading….
The book is a work of ‘historical fiction’
but the level of detail, the degree
of real angst and the life-like descriptions depict what
can only be gained from the experiences of very real events.
The period covers interesting times and Lando
faces challenging career choices, financial hardships (and the
odd gain), relationship complications based on cultural differences
and must now confront numerous global challenges that
have become all too familiar in a fast-changing world. Throughout
the book ‘the now mature Lando’ applies the same unique
level of integrity in respect of his romantic outlook, taking
decisions and analysing situations that was instilled in him during his youth. Somehow
the author’s sense of humour and irony makes what could have been, so
easily, an embittered story into one that is vitally compelling and
I am delighted to read that Braz Menezes is working on a fourth
Matata book, having re-read ‘Among the Jacaranda’ for a second time in a short
period I now have something new to look forward to. Keep writing Braz!