Swahili: Kenya v Tanzania Tanzania According to the official national linguistic policy announced in 1984, Swahili is the language of the social and political sphere as well as primary and adult ... English is also well-spoken. Kenyahowever us a multilingual country. The two official languages of Kenya, Swahili and English are widely spoken as lingua francas; how ever, including second-language speakers, Swahili is more widely spoken than English. (The quality of spoken English is astounding. Most English speakers, especially journalists, business leaders, and politicians, use the BBC accent and it is quite brilliant.} From the University of Wisconsin: When learning Swahili and spending time in East African countries, one might realize that there are some differences between the way people speak Swahili across places. The first differences that occur to some Swahili students might be between the Swahili spoken in Kenya as compared to Tanzania, betw...