A reader of the blog left this priceless evidence of the appreciation of the Goan community in Kenya: A million thanks whoever you are: Editorial in CATHOLIC MIRROR (Nairobi, Kenya), March, 1968 .Page Four. GOAN CATHOLICS The spotlight in recent weeks, has been turned full on the exodus of many Asians from Kenya. Among those who have departed are a number of Goan families from Nairobi and other centres in the country. Their departure must necessarily remind us of the extraordinary contributions the Goans of Kenya have made to the Catholic Church and Catholic life in this country. They came here bringing with them a tradition of Catholic worship and family life, which stretched back more than four centuries to the great apostle of their homeland, St Francis Xavier. In their own country – an area surrounded by non-Christian communities – they had developed that Christian tradition. It centred on a great devotion to the central act of worship of the Church, the Sacrifice of the Ma...
Goans, East Africans et al